July 12, 2023

Another Op'nin', Another Show

We work with such incredibly talented theatre artists, but New Line only produces three shows a season, so the New Liners are often off having cool adventures with other local companies, even more than usual over the next few months.

In this coming season, New Line's stoner Christmas musical doesn't open till the end of November, two months later than our usual fall slot, but the New Liners have found lots of cool shows around town to work on in the meantime.

Check out the New Liners at Large!

July 14-16 – The Wizard of Oz, St. Gabriel Archangel Players
Featuring New Liners Chris Strawhun and Brittany Kohl Hester

July 27, Aug. 2, Aug. 9 – You Made Me Love You, Blue Strawberry
Featuring New Liner Jennelle Gilreath Owens

July 27-30 – Sondheim Tribute Revue, Over Due Theatre Co.
Featuring New Liners Tiélere Cheatem and Kathleen Dwyer

July 28-Aug. 6 – The Color Purple, Hawthorne Players
Featuring New Liner Victoria Pines

July 28-Aug. 12 – Caroline, or Change, Fly North Theatricals
Featuring New Liners Mara Bollini, Kent Coffel, and Kimmie Kidd-Booker

Aug. 3-26 – Godspell, Stray Dog Theatre
Featuring New Liners Chris Moore, Kevin Corpuz, Sarah Gene Dowling, Stephen Henley, Grace Langford, and Dawn Schmid

Aug. 17-27 – Kinky Boots, Tesseract Theatre
Featuring New Liners Tiélere Cheatem, Kent Coffel, Marshall Jennings, Chelsie Johnston, Sarah Lueken, Michelle Sauer, and Carrie Wenos

Aug. 18-26 – Ragtime, Union Avenue Opera
Featuring New Liners Cole Gutmann, Brett Hanna, and Melissa Sharon Harris

Sept. 15-24 – How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, Monroe Actors Stage Company
Featuring New Liner Gillian Pieper

Sept. 29-Oct. 7 – tick... tick... BOOM!, Take Two Productions
Featuring New Liners Brittany Kohl Hester and Clayton Humburg

Oct. 5-28 – Saturday Night Fever, Stray Dog Theatre
Featuring New Liners Kay Love and Maggie Nold

Nov. 3-12 – Daddy Long Legs, Hawthorne Players
Featuring New Liner Cole Gutmann

Nov. 3-12 – The Mad Ones, Tesseract Theatre
Featuring New Liners Melissa Felps, Sarah Gene Dowling, and Grace Langford

Nov. 30-Dec. 17 - Into the Woods, New Jewish Theatre
Featuring New Liner Sarah Wilkinson

We're all very lucky that this town has such a vibrant and active theatre scene! Now more than ever, all our local companies need our support. Theatres are shutting down all across the country, and we need to make sure that doesn't happen here. 

Meanwhile, season tickets are on sale now for New Line's 32nd Season, featuring the world premiere of Jesus and Johnny Appleweed's Holy Rollin' Family Christmas, the regional premiere of Sweet Potato Queens, and Dracula. Just click here for more info.

If you want one of our "Go See a Musical" bumper stickers, click here.

And make sure to check in on social media when you go to theatre, so all your friends can see what an amazing, eclectic theatre scene we have here in the St. Louis region.

Long Live the Musical!

To buy your New Line season tickets for next season, click here.

To donate to New Line Theatre, click here.

To check out my newest musical theatre books, including my latest, He Never Did Anything Twice: Deconstructing Stephen Sondheimclick here.

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