October 14, 2020

We Are a Family

Long ago, in New Line's early days, there was a group of us who hung out together socially a lot, most of us gay men, and the weirdest topics would come up in our conversation. I mean, weird.

One of my favorite topics was Collective Nouns. There are some really funny ones in our language. We all know it's a gaggle of geese, a herd of buffalo, and many of us have heard of a murder of crows. But have you heard of an ambush of tigers? A bloat of hippopotamuses? A business of ferrets?

My little gang of gay artsy misfits decided we needed dedicated collective nouns for gay men and lesbians. I first proposed: a giggle of gay men, and a flannel of lesbians. The group decided that would work for the lesbians, but they out-voted me and decided on a pouf of gay men.

So as I sit here in my apartment during the Great Pandemic of 2020, looking for ways to feed my starved artsy brain, it occurred to me we need collective nouns for theatre. Obviously, right?

So here's my modest proposal... These are all real collective nouns (mostly for animals) that I have re-purposed...

An Argument of Actors

An Exultation of Sopranos

A Lamentation of Altos

A Glaring of Tenors

A Bellowing of Basses

A Mischief of Musicians

A Wisdom of Directors

A Leap of Choreographers

A Murder of Stage Managers

A Chattering of Chorus Members

A Battery of Lighting Designers

A Dazzle of Scenic Designers

A Clutter of Costume Designers

A Thunder of Sound Designers

An Obstinacy of Composers

A Flight of Writers

A Huddle of Ushers

A Murmuration of Audience Members

A Confusion of Critics

A Blessing of Donors

A Galaxy of Musicals

Well, that wasted some time now, didn't it? Any others you'd like to propose?

Long Live the Musical! And Stay Safe!

P.S. If you're looking for more amusing musical theatre related lists to waste your time, check out the subject index to this blog. Oh Lordy, do we have lists!

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